API Method PatientDirectMessageSend

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An outbound direct message method which sends a message from the supplied patient to the supplied direct address. If the "from" field is not provided the patient ID in the form "patient:{patient ID}", then the patientDemographics object must be passed in to define the patient sending the message.



Please refer to the Interactive API for a list of the fields for this method.

Code Samples

Language Source Code Examples

   public void TalkToUpdox() throws Exception {
       String uri = "https://updoxqa.com/io/PatientDirectMessageSend";
       ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
       Map<String,Object> messageData = BuildMessage();
       String jsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(messageData);
       HttpResponse httpResponse = SendReceiveJSON(jsonData, uri);
       HttpEntity responseEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
       String response = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);
       JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(response);
   private Map<String,Object> BuildMessage() throws Exception
       Map<String,Object> messageData = new HashMap();
       messageData.put("subject","Test Subject");
       messageData.put("textMessage","Test message body");
       Map<String,String> patientDemographics = new HashMap();
       patientDemographics.put("patientId", "100030");
       patientDemographics.put("firstName", "Jane");
       patientDemographics.put("middleName", "");
       patientDemographics.put("lastName", "Doe");
       messageData.put("patientDemographics", patientDemographics);
       Map<String,String> authData = new HashMap();
       authData.put("applicationId", "updox");
       authData.put("applicationPassword", "password");
       authData.put("accountId", "updox_acct");
       authData.put("userId", "updox_user");
       messageData.put("auth", authData);
       return messageData;
   private HttpResponse SendReceiveJSON(String jsonData, String uri) throws Exception {
       HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
       HttpResponse response = null;
       StringEntity params = new StringEntity(jsonData);
       try {
           HttpPost request = new HttpPost(uri);
           request.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
           response = httpClient.execute(request);
       } catch (Exception ex) {
           // handle exception here
       } finally {
       return response;

Sample Request and Response


   "to": "dublin@direct.updoxqa.com",
   "subject": "Test Subjec",
   "textMessage": "Test message body",
   "patientDemographics": {
       "patientId": "100030",
       "firstName": "Jane",
       "middleName": "",
       "lastName": "Doe",
       "dateOfBirth": "1990-10-10",
       "gender": "F",
       "emailAddress": ""
   "auth": {
       "applicationId": "updox",
       "applicationPassword": "password",
       "accountId": "updox_acct",
       "userId": "updox_user"


   "successful": true,
   "responseMessage": "OK",
   "responseCode": 2000,
   "recipient": "contact:227735",
   "name": "dublin@direct.updoxqa.com",
   "directAddress": "dublin@direct.updoxqa.com",
   "reason": null,
   "messageId": 252274,
   "patientDirectAddress": "ptacct+227734@direct.updoxqa.com"

Error Codes

In addition to the General Error Set, this method may return:

4640: direct address error: invalid direct address
4641: direct address error: no direct address found for this user
4650: direct error: send failed
4651: direct error: send failed and/or invalid direct address
4652: direct error: either from or patientDemographics is required
Note that when a 4650 error code is returned, the "reason" field will contain a text description of the reason the message failed to send.