API Method MessageCompose

From Updox API
Revision as of 16:49, 8 April 2014 by Thenate (Talk | contribs)

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Provide appropriate credentials for the user who will be sending the message: MessageCompose1.png

Attachments, Prepopulation, Metadata

Provide any relevant additional parameters. If an attachment is to be sent, it must be specified here: MessageCompose2.png

Request and Response JSON

Sending this transaction consists of the following request JSON and response JSON and returns a token: MessageCompose3.png

Build URL

Use this token to construct a url in the following manner: https://{environment}/sso/messageCompose/{vendorId}/{token}

which for this example would look like this: https://updoxqa.com/sso/messageCompose/updox/611e840357c9dd58625436996cc2631910188c61

Compose Message

Browsing to this url will show the following one-use-only Direct message compose screen: MessageCompose4.png

When the user hits Send, this window will execute an API call behind the scenes.