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The MSH page describes MSH segments common to all messages received by Updox. Requirements for messages outbound from Updox are dependent on the receiving implementation/system, and are negotiated during the implementation phase.

Syncing patients

Updox supports syncing patients from a source system to Updox using ADT messages. Any/all ADT triggers will be considered. Updox is only concerned with the PID segment of the ADT in order to determine demographics; the triggering event is (currently) not important from an Updox perspective. All segments other than PID may be present, but will be ignored. Future support for IN1/IN2 segments is anticipated.

Chart Export

Updox supports exporting to the patient chart using ORU messages, as a single PID -> OBR -> OBX sequence. Additional requirements for messages outbound from Updox are dependent on the receiving implementation/system, and are negotiated during the implementation phase.


For on-premise EHR installations, Updox Central is the preferred method for exchanging HL7 files. Updox Central is a windows service that runs on premise and provides a number of different integration capabilities via a series of plug-ins. One of these capabilities is the ability to provide secure directory watching/file transfer without the complexity of SFTP or VPN.