DirectTrust Activation Walkthrough

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DirectTrust Activation URL

Your DirectTrust activation page can be found in QA at:

where applicationId is your the applicationId provided as your vendor credentials, accountId is the id you assigned to the relevant practice/account, and userId is the userId of the person that will be vetting from within that practice/account. The accountId is necessary so we can mark the correct account as vetted, and the userId is necessary for auditing purposes.

Web Pages

The page in QA will display the accountId and userId you pass in at the top of the page.

If the accountId or userId are invalid, the text will be red. If they're valid, the text will be green

The user enters their NPI number. If the NPI is found in the National NPI index, the registered information will be presented to the user in a non-editable format with the exception of the PhoneNumber. The PhoneNumber value will be used to perform the voice-validation aspect of the vetting process and is the only piece of information used by the automated dialer.

The user clicks "Call Me" and receives an automated call during which they are presented with a Confirmation Code.

The user enters the Confirmation Code.

The user enters demographic information: First name, Last name, DOB, PhoneNumber and Email address.

The user enters a credit card number - note that a) an expiration mm/yy is not requested, b) a CVV value is not requested. Also note that the credit card number provided is not stored anywhere in our systems. This is merely a one-time inquiry - "Is credit card associated with this address?"

The user enters the billing address for the provided credit card number.

The user clicks "Validate".

The system will then validate the provided data, and report three statuses:

Identity Validation: This value will be reported as Verified once the Demographic information has been confirmed as correct. Account Validation: This value will be reported as Verified once the Billing Address is confirmed as correct for the provided credit card number. Voice Validation: This value will be reported as Verified once the Confirmation Code entered by the user has been verified.

Once all three statuses are "Verified", the practice is considered to be vetted and is so marked in our database. Any previously created users (as well as all users created in the future) will now be able to exchange Direct messages will all available Direct domains.

Practices that are: Can exchange Direct messages with:
Not Vetted Vetted
Yes Yes All addresses in their own practice/site
Yes Yes All addresses in all practices/sites for their vendor
Yes Yes All addresses associated with HealthVault/TTT/DCDT
Yes Yes All addresses in all practices/sites for the 25+ partners with Updox
No Yes All addresses in all practices/sites for the 100+ participants with DirectTrust