API Method QueueRetrieve
A method to obtain a specific item from the Integration Queue.
Contents |
Please refer to the Interactive API for a list of the fields for this method.
Sample Request and Response
{ "auth":{ "applicationId":"updox", "applicationPassword":"password", "accountId":"100" }, "messageId":"474030c0-a57e-4386-a377-c1eebfa7a084" }
Fax Response
{ "successful": true, "responseMessage": "OK", "responseCode": 2000, "summary": { "messageId": "474030c0-a57e-4386-a377-c1eebfa7a084", "messageType": "ImportPDFRequest", "queuedDateTime": 1438710151000, "processAttemptCount": 1, "processed": false, "statusText": "sending to EHR acct #100232" }, "message": { "patientZipCode": "", "patientFaxNumber": "", "patientEmail": "nate@updox.com", "patientUid": "UPDOX142885", "patientMarital": "", "documentUrl": "https://{environment}/udb/import/bb3c394f-adc0-4fbc-b91a-c005b2f09fc9.pdf", "patientState": "HI", "addedByName": "Nathan Enhanced", "patientAddress2": "", "signOff": "false", "patientLastName": "Dewport", "patientId": "0232", "patientAddress1": "", "patientSuffix": "", "name": "fsfsdf", "patientPrimaryDocId": "", "patientChartNumber": "232", "addedBy": "NATE", "patientWorkPhone": "", "patientHomePhone": "6149600067", "patientGender": "m", "patientFirstName": "Ritch", "patientCity": "", "category": "abc", "importType": "pdf", "patientMiddleName": "", "importDate": "2015-08-04", "patientSsn": "", "patientTitle": "", "patientDob": "19900120", "actionId": "70", "comments": "I am a comment" } }
Retrieving the Fax
1. An HTTP GET call with aBasic authorization header is made to the provided URL.
2. The Authorization header is formed by base64-encoding the following values:
3. For a practice with an integration key of hmFj-ZgUFz-WRYH-]fpW, for example, the Authorization header would look like:
Authorization: Basic X1VwZG94SW50ZWdyYXRpb25LZXk6aG1Gai1aZ1VGei1XUllILV1mcFc=
4. The GET Url was provided in the response:
5. Sending the properly headed GET request will cause the file to be downloaded.
6. The file will remain downloadable for (unknown).