API Method FaxBulkIdRetrieve

From Updox API
Revision as of 18:58, 30 June 2015 by Ggolden (Talk | contribs)

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The following describes the processes involved in retrieving information regarding previously sent bulk faxes.


1 This API call requires Vendor-level credentials. The credentials should be populated into the applicationId and applicationPassword fields of the auth block:

   "auth": {
     "applicationId": "vendorId",
     "applicationPassword": "vendorPassword",
     "accountId": "",
     "userId": ""

2 This API call requires a Practice/Account-level identifier. The identifier should be populated into the accountId field of the auth block:

   "auth": {
     "applicationId": "vendorId",
     "applicationPassword": "vendorPassword",
     "accountId": "practiceId",
     "userId": ""


Destination Address


Request JSON

Template:Json Request BulkFax

HTTP Response Status

 200 OK

Response JSON

Template:Json Response BulkFax

Response Codes

2000: OK

4000: Bad Request

4010: Unauthorized (bad applicationId or applicationPassword)

4011: Unauthorized (bad accountId)

4060: Field validation error -- Message varies

4931: BulkFaxId DNE or not related to current practice