Template:Json Patients Block - CSharp

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Revision as of 21:37, 11 December 2015 by Bwijoyo (Talk | contribs)

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   patients = new[] {
         new {
           id = 123, // not used and can be ignored
           chartNumber = 234,
           internalId = 345,
           firstName = "firstName",
           middleName = "middleName",
           lastName = "lastName",
           sex = "male",
           address1 = "address1",
           address2 = "address2",
           city = "Columbus",
           state = "OH",
           zip5 = "43017",
           dob = "2015-12-30",
           emailAddress = "valid@email.com",
           homePhone = "6141231234",
           workPhone = "6149879876",
           workExtension = "x112",
           mobileNumber = "6145675678",
           faxNumber = "6145435432",
           active = true,
           contactType = "patient",
           defaultProvider = "defaultProvider",
           maritalStatus = "married",
           primaryInsurance = new {
             companyName = "companyName1",
             phoneNumber = "6141231234",
             address1 = "address1",
             address2 = "address2",
             city = "Columbus",
             state = "OH",
             zip = "43017",
             policyNumber = "policyNumber",
             groupNumber = "groupNumber",
             planName = "planName",
             groupName = "groupName",
             effectiveDate = "2015-12-30",
             expirationDate = "2016-12-30",
             guarantorRelationship = "guarantorRelationship",
             guarantorName = "guarantorName",
             guarantorFirstName = "guarantorFirstName",
             guarantorMiddleName = "guarantorMiddleName",
             guarantorLastName = "guarantorLastName",
             guarantorDob = "1978-10-20",
             guarantorGender = "male",
             copayAmount = 50
           secondaryInsurance = new {
             companyName = "companyName2",
             phoneNumber = "6141231234",
             address1 = "address1",
             address2 = "address2",
             city = "Columbus",
             state = "OH",
             zip = "43017",
             policyNumber = "policyNumber",
             groupNumber = "groupNumber",
             planName = "planName",
             groupName = "groupName",
             effectiveDate = "2015-12-30",
             expirationDate = "2016-12-30",
             guarantorRelationship = "guarantorRelationship",
             guarantorName = "guarantorName",
             guarantorFirstName = "guarantorFirstName",
             guarantorMiddleName = "guarantorMiddleName",
             guarantorLastName = "guarantorLastName",
             guarantorDob = "1978-10-20",
             guarantorGender = "female",
             copayAmount = 50