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Line 25: Line 25:
{{Core Method Header - CSharp}}
{{Core Method Header - CSharp}}
{{Json DateRange Block - CSharp}}
{{Json DateRange Block - CSharp}}
{{Json Auth Block - Account - CSharp}}
{{Json Auth Block - Account - CSharp}}
{{Core Method Footer - CSharp|eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate|eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate}}
{{Core Method Footer - CSharp|eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate|eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate}}

Revision as of 21:52, 11 December 2015



Method that gets the event notification statuses by a date or date range


1 This API call requires Vendor-level credentials. The credentials should be populated into the applicationId and applicationPassword fields of the auth block:

   "auth": {
     "applicationId": "vendorId",
     "applicationPassword": "vendorPassword",
     "accountId": "",
     "userId": ""

2 This API call requires a Practice/Account-level identifier. The identifier should be populated into the accountId field of the auth block:

   "auth": {
     "applicationId": "vendorId",
     "applicationPassword": "vendorPassword",
     "accountId": "practiceId",
     "userId": ""

Code Samples

Language Source Code Examples
 public void TalkToUpdox() {
   string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new {
     dateFrom = "2015-12-11", // required
     dateTo = "2015-12-13",
     auth = new {
       applicationId = "vendorId",
       applicationPassword = "vendorPassword",
       accountId = "accountId",
       userId = ""
   string url = "https://updoxqa.com/io/eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate";
   SendReceiveJSON(json, url);
 private void SendReceiveJSON(string json, string url)
   var httpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url);
   httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
   httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
   using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
     var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
     using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
       var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

   public void TalkToUpdox() throws Exception {
       String uri = "https://updoxqa.com/io/eventNotificationStatusesGetByDate";
       ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
       Map<String,Object> messageData = BuildMessage();
       String jsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(messageData);
       HttpResponse httpResponse = SendReceiveJSON(jsonData, uri);
       HttpEntity responseEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
       String response = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);
       JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(response);
  private Map<String,Object> BuildMessage() throws Exception
      String dateFrom = "2015-12-11"; // required
      String dateTo = "2015-12-13";   // required for date range
      Map<String,Object> messageData = new HashMap();
      messageData.put("dateFrom", dateFrom);
      messageData.put("dateTo", dateTo);  // required for date range
      Map<String,String> authData = new HashMap();
      authData.put("applicationId", "vendorId");
      authData.put("applicationPassword", "vendorPassword");
      messageData.put("auth", authData);
      return messageData;
   private HttpResponse SendReceiveJSON(String jsonData, String uri) throws Exception {
       HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
       HttpResponse response = null;
       StringEntity params = new StringEntity(jsonData);
       try {
           HttpPost request = new HttpPost(uri);
           request.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
           response = httpClient.execute(request);
       } catch (Exception ex) {
           // handle exception here
       } finally {
       return response;


Destination Address


Request JSON

       dateFrom: "2015-12-11",
       dateTo: "2015-12-13",
       "auth": {
           "applicationId": "vendorId",
           "applicationPassword": "vendorPassword",
           "accountId": "accountId",
           "userId": ""

HTTP Response Status

 200 OK

Response JSON

      "successful": true,
      "responseMessage": "OK",
      "responseCode": 2000,
      "eventNotificationStatuses": [
              "notificationId": 1,
              "internalId": "internal-id-for-1",
              "status": "confirmed",
              "statusDate": "12/11/2015",
              "reply": "reply texts"
              "notificationId": 2,
              "internalId": "internal-id-for-2",
              "status": "cancelled",
              "statusDate": "12/12/2015",
              "reply": "reply texts"
              "notificationId": 3,
              "internalId": "internal-id-for-3",
              "status": "sent",
              "statusDate": "12/13/2015",
              "reply": "N/A"

Error Codes

This method may return the General Error Set.